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Welcome to my page. 
If you have found me, you too 
must be a cycle-breaker.

A cycle-breaker is someone who becomes aware of the dysfunctional beliefs and behaviours in their lineage
and chooses not to carry them forward. 

We are transitional characters who change the course
of our lineage by alchemizing the poisons into medicines. 


I know how difficult it can be to free yourself of the burden of expectations from your family, tradition, culture, religion and even your peers. In your early years, you gave up your authenticity and lost your voice; in an attempt to survive the threat of potentially losing love, attention and attunement.

Now this may show up as low self worth, constantly doubting yourself, not being able to hold boundaries, people pleasing, feeling lonely and abandoned, the fear of being rejected and not feeling deserving of abundance. You may also experience your nervous system in a near constant state of fight / flight / freeze and you may not have a healthy balance between your masculine
and feminine energies.

These were my experiences as well until I just couldn’t live like that anymore. Something within me was screaming to become free. It has been the main theme of my journey in the last 20 years (and still is) to break through the cycles of generational / cultural traumas and embody my authentic individuated self.

I have been holding safe spaces for people since 2008. I started as a personal trainer and eventually became a holistic nutritionist. During this time, I had just started my own journey of discovering who I really am outside of my conditioning and trauma imprints. My suffering became a mirror into myself. I was introduced to energy healing and practices that helped me separate myself from my personalities. I started to quiet down and was able to distinguish between my true self and the voices of my super ego (the internalized ideals that we have acquired from our parents and society: the SHOULDS). I accepted the anger, sadness, fear of rejection, the guilt of disappointing my family, as messengers rather than issues that needed to be fixed.


In 2013, I came across a CD called Experiments in Truth by Ram Dass. If I can name one moment that transformed my life, it would be this. I listened to that CD everyday. His words gave me the truth I needed to heal. The healing journey is really a process of remembering and coming back to self. That is what Ram Dass did for me.  He has been my guru ever since and while he was in his body, we often telepathically communicated with each other. Even today, when I lose my way, I remember his core message, “LOVE EVERYONE and TELL THE TRUTH."


In 2015, I got into a relationship that became a catalyst for exponential growth. It inspired me

to step up as an adult while also reflecting back to me my fear of rejection and my patterns of codependency. As a result, when it ended I became depressed. It triggered my wounds of unworthiness.

I decided to go to Peru and work with Ayahuasca in 2018 as a way to release all the anger and resentment that came with the breakup. My experiences with the Shipibo shamans and Ayahuasca led me to studying shamanic practices and eventually to serving psilocybin, Kambo and more recently Ayahuasca (Mother Vine). My foundations of energy practices and cultivating consciousness using the wisdom of Ram Dass helped me receive and integrate the psychedelic experiences very well.


Finding my authentic self was one part of the journey. Expressing it came with its own set of challenges. As I shed my old self, the people who knew him had to be shed too. There were conflicts with my family as they struggled to understand who I was becoming. But, at the same time, I also found my people and my community; people who were on their path and we met in our hearts. Because community is such a non-negotiable part of the healing process, I do my best to connect people through my medicine work and retreats.


I am confident my presence, abilities and medicines can meet you wherever you are in your

process and hold space for all parts of you.

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