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Alternative Therapy

Energy healing was the first modality I started to receive in my awakening and healing journey and have continued receiving it regularly for almost 15 years. I believe it to be a foundational tool to maintain the health of your energetic and spiritual self.


Energy Healing


Reiki Treatment

The session starts with a brief discussion of what is alive for you and what your intentions are. Once you have voiced them, you lie down comfortably on a massage table, close your eyes (or use an eye mask), connect with your breathe and relax.I will use gentle hand placements on your body (or this can be done without touch if you prefer) to help you move, unblock, release or transmute energy and emotions. This is often a very relaxing session.


Other medicines I may use during our session (with your consent) are essential oils, psilocybin microdose, hapé, sananga and pure tobacco.


Hapé is a snuff from the Amazon used for grounding, moving stuck energy and quieting the mind’s chatter to increase energy and alertness. It typically contains small quantities of pure tobacco, ash from medicinal tree barks and other plants.


Sananga is another potent Amazonian medicine that is administered as drops in the eyes. It is traditionally used by hunters to improve vision. It is also used to clear‘panema’ or the energetic roots of our ailments. It is known to help with intuition and improved perceptions.

What to Expect


energy healing and kambo

Energy healing sessions are very intuitive. I don’t have a plan or agenda before we
meet. Sometimes, instead of being the table, we may do an energy practice or guided
meditation instead. Some days I may take you through a breath work practice.
The purpose of these sessions is to:

  • Help regulate your nervous system (out of fight / flight / freeze)

  • Ground yourself

  • Gain clarity on life situations

  • Learn to create space for introspection

  • Build and strengthen trust in yourself and the universe

  • Overcome fear and doubt and get unstuck

  • Learn practices that aid your healing journey

  • Connect with your intuition and the wisdom of your body

  • Become aware of traumas and subconscious behaviour patterns

  • Give yourself permission to just be (rather than constantly do)


The session typically ends with you drawing a card from an oracle deck to provide
direction on your next steps. I will also make recommendations for tools or practices to
integrate daily before we meet again.


I want to emphasize that I am NOT healing you. In fact, my intention is to always help
you empower yourself (this is the fundamental way to heal). My presence, abilities and
medicines provide an environment for you to meet all parts of yourself and do your own healing.

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