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THE VOID is an initiation.  

The Void will safely challenge and test you.  

You enter The Void to integrate your human-ness and your divinity. 

In the Shipibo traditions of the Amazon, shamans and apprentices live in isolation in the
jungle, follow a strict diet, abstain from any sexual activities, practice introspection and
reflection and connect with plant spirits. I have personally experienced the process of
"dieta" twice; once for a 12 day period and more recently for 26 days.

The Void was inspired by this Amazonian tradition.

My desire is to share the power of this tradition with you over seven days.


As with any initiation, The Void will challenge and test you.


Here is what you will experience:


The process begins with cleansing your physical vessel in order to receive the wisdom from your soul as well as during the main ceremonies. Read more about Kambo here.


In our culture, we are inundated by information, we are constantly responding
to external stimuli and rarely actively listen to ourselves (or others). By observing
silence from days 2 - 5, we will shut down the external noise and become aware of the internal landscape. It will make you very aware of your inner dialogues; how you speak to yourself and differentiate between your own voice versus those of your super ego. This can be more challenging for some than others but rest assured you will be supported by the facilitators.


There are two ceremonies during the retreat with one full day in between to allow you to rest, recover and process your experience, coming back into your body.

Plant Baths

This is a traditional shamanic practice where you are given a bath with specific plants/flowers before the ceremony. The baths are meant to cleanse your aura and invite gentleness and compassion.

Mapacho Soplada

Mapacho is pure tobacco from Peru. The smoke is blown on you during the plant bath and before ceremonies to protect your energy field. Mapacho also has a very grounding effect during Medicine ceremonies and can help you purge.

Falun Gong

Helps move stagnant energy through gentle arm movements and holding certain postures. Ken will guide you through this practice the day after the first Medicine ceremony.

Osho Meditation

Jasmine will lead this four part dynamic meditation to help release suppressed emotions including anger. Like Falun Gong, this too is a beautiful practice that honours your body’s wisdom and helps you fully return to your body after ceremonies.


Food is prepared according to traditional Shipibo dieta rules - no salt, sugar, spices, red meat or pork, oil and fats. The restricted diet has three main purposes. First, it is to cleanse your body of inflammation and chronic metabolic stress. Second, it is to show the spirits of the medicines, your level of commitment, strength and courage. Lastly, food is commonly used to soothe and cope with stress or as a distraction from discomfort. During this process, you will be eating food for sustenance. When the body is not busy constantly digesting food, it frees up energy to heighten your senses and awareness. Our chef Bracken does a phenomenal job making the food colourful and as enjoyable as possible.

Energy Healing

Jasmine also offers energy healing sessions that can help you process and release heavy emotions or energy blocks. These sessions are available at an extra cost during the retreat.

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The Void
- upcoming initiations -

Feb 25 - Mar 2
June 16 - 22
Nov 3 - 9

Meet Your Facilitators

I am blessed to have my friends assist me and co-facilitate in The Void.



Hi, I’m Jasmine, and since 2017 I’ve been helping other humans discover well being and holistic health through a wide range of modalities. Starting my career in science, I quickly moved on to help others with fitness and nutrition before pivoting into the world of energy healing and plant medicines. I believe that everyone has the capacity to heal and that healing looks and means something different to each individual.  When you are able to meet yourself where you are at with full compassion and personal responsibility, and allow yourself to have an embodied, expressive experience, magic can happen.  I look forward to holding space for you during the Into the Void Retreat and providing you with extra support through a group dynamic meditation and private energy healing sessions.



Ken is a Reiki Master, Registered Holistic Nutritionist and a certified Medical Qi Gong Practitioner.


He has over two decades of experience supporting people in their healing journeys using different modalities.


His curiosity about consciousness and subtle energies led him to the practice of Falun Gong.


He is bringing his 15 years of experience with this practice to share with you at the retreat.



My name is Bracken Gogolin.


I am a Registered Holistic Nutritionist, Meditation Instructor and Spiritual Mentor.

I hold a deep passion for guiding people towards a more vibrant life through Nutrition Counselling, Guided Meditations & Journeying, and Spiritual Alignment Energy Healings.


I also host Women`s Circles & Educational Workshops on health, spirituality and inner healing.

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"People will do anything, no matter how absurd, in order to avoid

facing their own souls. One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by makingthe darkness conscious." 

~ Carl Jung, Psychology and Alchemy

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What`s included:


  • Pre-screening call and intake form

  • All ceremonies and workshops

  • Preparation workbook and audio hypnosis program

  • Integration workbook and audio hypnosis program

  • Integration video call after retreat

  • Accommodations (shared rooms with individual beds)

  • Freshly cooked organic food

  • Community


Early Bird Price
$2222 + tax

Regular Price
$2444 + tax


Payment plans available. If you are indigenous to Turtle Island, please

apply for a free spot.


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