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“Psychedelics are to psychology what telescopes in the sixteenth
century were to astronomy” - Terrence McKenna


Sacred Journeys


The term “psychedelic” is derived from the Ancient Greek words psychē (“mind
or soul”) and dēloun (“to make visible, to reveal”), translating to “mind/soul-revealing”.

As the name suggests, when used in the right set and setting, these medicines have potential for profound healing.

My priority is harm reduction for people who want to work with them. My role is that of a trip sitter, space holder and shamanic practitioner.
I am NOT a psychiatrist or psychotherapist.



The first step is to complete a discovery call and intake form to ensure that this is safe for you to participate in. Once we schedule the date and time, I will send you the following:

Preparation workbook - This workbook is designed to help you get clear with 1-2 intentions for the ceremony by making you aware of your subconscious behaviour patterns and core values. It also has some food and lifestyle instructions to ensure a safe and effective journey.

Grounding audio hypnosis program - The audio hypnosis program helps you regulate your nervous system and ground your energy. This allows you to increase your capacity to receive and manage whatever you experience during the ceremony.

When you arrive for the ceremony, we will settle down with a brief discussion of your intentions and if necessary a grounding practice. You will then drink the medicine and lie comfortably on a mattress with an eye mask. The eye mask helps direct your attention inward rather than getting distracted by what is around you.

There will be music playing and I may sing during ceremony. The music can guide your journey by activating memories, sensations and emotions.

My main role is to ensure that you are safe while you explore the conscious, subconscious and unconscious parts of your psyche (and that of the collective). Although we won’t be conversing during the ceremony, I am right there with you to take care of any needs you may have or help you navigate any challenging parts of the journey.

Once your journey is complete, you will have time to journal. Finally, you can share your experience with me and we will pull a card from an oracle deck. The purpose of doing this is to give you some guidance for your integration process.
Integration is the process of making changes that allow you to embody the wisdom you received from the medicine. To support this, I will send you and Integration Workbook and another audio hypnosis program.


You also have the option of scheduling a Somatic Integration video call (for an additional fee) to help process your experience, tap into your body’s sensations, understand messages you may have received and work on methods of integration.

Please do your due diligence to educate yourself about these medicines. While you need some amount of information to create a minimum sense of safety mentally, you don’t really know until you experience them. So use your mind, intuition and body’s cues to decide if this is the right step for you.


I am happy to book a discovery call and answer any questions you have.

Somatic Integration Calls

Following a sacred psychedelic journey, it is important to integrate the insights from the experience.


Integration typically involves:

  • Reflecting on the experience

  • Interpreting it intellectually, somatically, symbolically

  • Identifying the triggers, resistance and shadows

  • Extracting the wisdom

  • Changing behaviours and habits accordingly


Through Somatic Integration, I can help you do the above in a trauma-informed and compassionate way to ensure that

you maximize the benefits of the journey without getting re-traumatized (if any trauma imprints showed up in the journey).

During our 45 minutes Somatic Integration call, we would begin with co-regulating our nervous systems to ground ourselves. Then we would revisit a particular experience you had during your journey. I will guide you to become aware of your body’s sensations as you recollect the experience.  We would follow this by highlighting the emotions associated with the sensations and finally guiding you to hear the message of these sensations.

Hearing this wisdom allows us to decide on an action plan that aligns with your original intentions for the journey.

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